/* HCI role defenitions */
#define HCI_ROLE_MASTER 0x00
#define HCI_ROLE_SLAVE 0x01
#define HCI_ROLE_UNKNOWN 0xff
* Function L2CA_GetBleConnRole
* Description This function returns the connection role.
* Returns link role.
uint8_t L2CA_GetBleConnRole(const RawAddress& bd_addr) {
uint8_t role = HCI_ROLE_UNKNOWN;
tL2C_LCB* p_lcb;
p_lcb = l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr(bd_addr, BT_TRANSPORT_LE);
if (p_lcb != NULL) role = p_lcb->link_role;
return role;
* Function smp_data_received
* Description This function is called when data is received from L2CAP on
* SMP channel.
* Returns void
static void smp_data_received(uint16_t channel, const RawAddress& bd_addr,
BT_HDR* p_buf) {
/* reject the pairing request if there is an on-going SMP pairing */
if ((p_cb->state == SMP_STATE_IDLE) &&
(p_cb->br_state == SMP_BR_STATE_IDLE) &&
!(p_cb->flags & SMP_PAIR_FLAGS_WE_STARTED_DD)) {
p_cb->role = L2CA_GetBleConnRole(bd_addr); // <-- 1
p_cb->pairing_bda = bd_addr;
if (bd_addr == p_cb->pairing_bda) {
p_cb->rcvd_cmd_code = cmd;
p_cb->rcvd_cmd_len = (uint8_t)p_buf->len;
smp_sm_event(p_cb, cmd, p); // <-- 2
* Function smp_sm_event
* Description Handle events to the state machine. It looks up the entry
* in the smp_entry_table array.
* If it is a valid entry, it gets the state table. Set the next
* state, if not NULL state. Execute the action function according
* to the state table. If the state returned by action function is
* not NULL state, adjust the new state to the returned state. If
* (api_evt != MAX), call callback function.
* Returns void.
void smp_sm_event(tSMP_CB* p_cb, tSMP_EVENT event, void* p_data) {
uint8_t curr_state = p_cb->state;
tSMP_SM_TBL state_table;
uint8_t action, entry, i;
tSMP_ENTRY_TBL entry_table = smp_entry_table[p_cb->role];
* Function l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr
* Description Look through all active LCBs for a match based on the
* remote BD address.
* Returns pointer to matched LCB, or NULL if no match
tL2C_LCB* l2cu_find_lcb_by_bd_addr(const RawAddress& p_bd_addr,
tBT_TRANSPORT transport) {
int xx;
tL2C_LCB* p_lcb = &l2cb.lcb_pool[0];
for (xx = 0; xx < MAX_L2CAP_LINKS; xx++, p_lcb++) {
if ((p_lcb->in_use) && p_lcb->transport == transport &&
(p_lcb->remote_bd_addr == p_bd_addr)) {
return (p_lcb);
/* If here, no match found */
return (NULL);